Rīgas Angļu ģimnāzija
Rīgas Angļu ģimnāzija

Erasmus+ projekts K2 sektorā

Eiropas Savienības Erasmus+ atbalstītais projekts "Expanding Content and Language Integrated Learning by Using Technologies" uzsākts 2017. gada 1. septembrī un ilgs 2 mācību gadus. Projektā kopā sadarbosies 3 valstu - Latvijas, Itālijas un Igaunijas skolotāji un pedagogi. Mūsu sadarbības partneri Itālijā būs ISTITUTO SUPERIORE MICHELANGELO BARTOLO Pachino, bet Igaunijā - PELGULINNA GYMNASIUM Tallinā. 

The project brings together 3 European schools – in Latvia, Estonia and Italy, to experience the benefits of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and ICT in different contexts to enrich partners' mastery and effective use of innovative teaching-learning methods supported by technologies. The project is enhancing teachers’ and students’ opportunities to share knowledge and learn new skills through collaboration.
In whole about 480 students will be directly involved in the project by participating in joint lessons (using Skype in the classroom), about 40 teachers will collaborate to prepare and provide 18 joint lessons, 60 gymnasium level students will participate in the short-term learning activities (and creating a movie) and about 50 teachers – in joint training activities during mobilities.
The project combines online and face-to-face learning activities for both students and teachers. Online: 18 joint Skype in the Classroom lessons will be prepared and provided in different subjects using CLIL methodology (monthly); all meetings will be online (no traditional Transnational project meetings). Face to face mobilities are targeted on students and teachers learning activities separately: three exchange mobilities are planned for 5 students from each visiting country and 10 hosting students (20 students directly involved in each 5-day Mobility). They learn together in CLIL classes and make a movie; three joint training mobilities are planned for a subject teacher and an English teacher from each visiting partner and at least 6 hosting teachers (5-day training), attracting even more teachers from the particular country.
Each partner will provide training for teachers in CLIL and ICT according to their strengths and capacity to attract professionals who contribute teachers' proficiency.