Viesi no Austrijas
26., 27.septembrī ERASMUS projekta ietvaros skolā viesojas 28 skolēni no Bundesgymnasium Tamsweg Grammar School, Austria. Kopīgi ar RAĢ 10.klašu skolēniem veidoja projektus par dažādām tēmām, salīdzinot dzīvi Austrijā un Latvijā;
Nogaršoja tipiskus latviešu gardumus, kā arī piedalījās mācību stundās. Skolēni turpinās draudzību virtuāli.
Austriešu skolēni vērtīgi novērtēja šo pieredzi, te viņu refleksija pēc viesošanās:
- A very modern school, perfect technical Equipment, friendly and warm welcome, helpful teachers and students.
- It was interesting to be a part of a school lesson in a different country to see de differences between the different school systems.
- I got a great impression about your school. Despite being located in the City the school has an awesome Park and Training ground. I also liked the Mixture of traditional and modern teaching. In addition, the students were really open-minded, friendly and helpful.
- Generally learning more about Latvia; the culture, festivals, music and food was super interesting and it made me want to try certain things. Like the little cheese snacks and kvass.
- I enjoyed both the english lessons I attended and the chemistry. In chemistry i sort of speedran learning about certain things we were going to learn this year which is going to be useful for my A-levels. And english was very pleasant, the teacher is extremely nice and I enjoyed the group work we did.